Painting Sash Windows in Margate, Kent
This building in Trinity Square, Margate is Listed under the “National Heritage List for England” and was once upon a time a busy little grocer shop. Even our older and wiser locals of Margate wouldn't remember the 2 ladies in the photo, but they might be able to enlighten us as to what wares were sold there later on?

Photo Credit @Margatelocalhistory

Our client's main aim was the aesthetics of the sash window being the first feature one sees when entering the home from the street, but also, of course maintenance to prevent any rotting of the woodwork of the sash window and frame.

The window is relatively in a fantastic condition, given it was probably made sometime between 1830 and 1850, and faces the direction of the North Sea. It would have seen some harsh winters over the years! Nevertheless in Georgian and Victorian times, the British Empire had it's pick of some of the best timber in the world to withstand such weathers, and this sash window is a typical example. The sashes have been replaced, as can be seen by old photos, and look to be of later Victorian style, but the box frame itself is the original.
There was some minor deteriation in a couple of the corners of the frame, where the mullions meet the cill, which was remedied by thoroughly digging out the rot and treating it with wood preservative, following by a Resin Repair.
Apart from that, it just needed some love and care, so we thoroughly sanded down the window, ready for decorating and applied several coats of oil based paint.
The client had plans for a kitchen worktop to meet the inside of the window and so only wanted one of the four sashes to be operable. We serviced the pulley wheels and renewed the sash cords to get the upper sash moving up and down nicely. On top of some sash window draught-proofing, for peace of mind we fitted extra sash security stops on top of the usual sash fasteners at the meeting rail.

Photo Credit @Margatelocalhistory
This old classic sash window will still yet see many decades more, watching over at the activities of historic Trinity Square.
Do you have a similar situation with your sash windows?