Painting Sash Windows near Ashford

This pretty little bay window near Ashford was a little unusual. The sash windows in the adjacent property had their bays surounded by brickwork pillars, but this little beauty was timber fronted, which leaves it a bit more exposed from a weathering perspective, along with panelling underneath.
The client had been a little concerned that the sash windows had many cracks that had manifested in the woodwork of the cills and the decorative mouldings. But thankfully, she turned down the plastic window salesmen and accepted our assurance that the cracks were actually just surface weathering, and could be sealed and protected with a tough, exterior wood filler.
She wanted to keep the unusual green and white look – this is unlikely an original design, but I think it works quite well. After fully sanding down, re-painting and overhauling/ draught-proofing the sash windows, along with some new sash fasteners, this bay sash window has sprung back into life once again!

Do you have a similar situation with your sash windows?